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MAC Proxy Settings -The Best Setup Guide in 2024

Gidsen, Proxies, -04-2022 sep5 min gelezen
Did you know that, according to Statista, the global unit sales for MAC computers for the fourth quarter of 2021 alone were 6.8 million units? The company is growing tremendously, with revenue of about $8.68 billion USD for MAC computers alone for 2021. Yes, the price is too high for a laptop, but when it comes to quality, Apple is still the master. 

Apart from that, another perk of using an Apple product is the environment. The Apple environment lets you connect seamlessly across all Apple devices, such as MAC computers, AirPods, smartwatches, and iPhones. 

Nowadays, however, Apple is more focused on privacy and security, and they are doing it in one way or another, either through software or hardware. That is a great start, but you can be more secure by masking your internet traffic and being anonymous online. The only way to do that is to set up MAC proxy settings on your computer. In the upcoming sections, we will learn more about proxies and how to install one on your MAC computer.

Feel free to jump to any sections to learn more about MAC proxy settings!

Proxy: What Is It?

A proxy is an intermediary server between you (the client) and the target server. Every request you make passes through the proxy server instead of directly reaching the target server. This approach of rerouting your network traffic helps you to mask your IP address and make you anonymous. All your internet traffic is encrypted, so you can rest assured that you are secure when doing your internet activity.

A proxy is usually used for high-demanding and high-speed tasks. With a proxy, you do not need to install any third-party software; instead, you must put the proxy IP address and port number in the proxy tab to activate it. 

MAC OS Proxy:

Regarding general applications, such as settings and browsing on the internet, Windows and macOS have similar functions. There is no dedicated proxy for macOS. You can use any proxy, such as dedicated proxies or residential proxies. The main thing to look for is a protocol, whether it’s an HTTP/s, FTP, or SOCKS proxy. MAC computers do support a variety of proxy protocols. The list is as follows:

  • HTTP/s (Web proxy/Secure web proxy).
  • Automatic proxy configuration.
  • Manual proxy configuration.
  • FTP.
  • Streaming proxy (RSTP).
  • SOCK proxy.
  • Auto proxy discovery.
  • Gopher proxy.

From this list, you should probably go with either automatic proxy configuration or manual configuration, which is HTTP/s. There are various approaches to configuring your MAC computer with a proxy.

Auto proxy discovery can help you to detect the required proxy configuration automatically. For manual, you can try to use an HTTP/s or FTP proxy. HTTP/s is best suited for small internet usage and small file gatherings and transfers, whereas FTP proxies are best suited for large files. Another option is setting up HTTP/s, FTP, and SOCK proxies simultaneously with the same setting.

Steps Involved in MAC Proxy Settings:

The following are the steps to be followed to configure a proxy on your MAC computer:

MAC Proxy Instellingen
STEP 1 – Click on the Apple icon, which you can find in the top left corner of your home screen. 
STEP 2 – Once you click the icon, you will get several options; click “System Preference” from that list.
STEP 3 – From there, you can select “Network.” The network consists of several options to choose from. Once you open the network tab, click the wireless option, i.e. Wifi. Once you click on the Wifi option, you will get various options, such as network name and status. Click on the “Advanced” option, which is placed at the bottom right corner of the window.
STEP 4 – Once you get to the advance tab, you will see a handful of tabs, such as Wifi, TCP/IP, DNS, WINS, 802.1x, Hardware, and Proxy. Select “Proxy” from those options.
STEP 5 – From this tab, you are free to select either “Auto Proxy Discovery” or “Manual Proxy Discovery.” For auto proxy discovery, you should have a PAC file. But, for this explanation, it is better to go with manual proxy discovery. You can check the HTTP/s, FTP, and SOCKS proxies if you want all three network protocols. 
STEP 6 – Enter the IP address and port number in the proxy server box. NOTE: If you configure a username and password for this proxy network, check “Proxy server requires a password,” then add the user name and password that you are given (NOTE: The proxy provider will provide you with the username and password)
STEP 7 – Check all the settings and select “OK.”

Now your MAC computer is configured with the proxy of your choice. But, you might have a question here. Where do you find the best quality proxy? Yes, there are thousands of proxies available online. You need the best and most reliable proxies. This is where ProxyScrape comes into the picture.

Best Proxy Server for MAC Computers:

ProxyScrape is een van de populairste en betrouwbaarste proxy providers online. Drie proxy services omvatten dedicated datacenter proxy servers, residentiële proxy servers en premium proxy servers. Dus, wat is de beste proxy server voor MAC computers? Voordat je die vraag beantwoordt, kun je het beste eerst de functies van elke proxy server bekijken.
Een dedicated datacenter proxy is het meest geschikt voor snelle online taken, zoals het streamen van grote hoeveelheden gegevens (qua grootte) vanaf verschillende servers voor analysedoeleinden. Dit is een van de belangrijkste redenen waarom organisaties kiezen voor dedicated proxies voor het verzenden van grote hoeveelheden gegevens in korte tijd.

Een dedicated datacenter proxy heeft verschillende functies, zoals onbeperkte bandbreedte en gelijktijdige verbindingen, dedicated HTTP proxies voor eenvoudige communicatie en IP-authenticatie voor meer beveiliging. Met 99,9% uptime kunt u er zeker van zijn dat het dedicated datacenter altijd werkt tijdens elke sessie. Last but not least, ProxyScrape biedt een uitstekende klantenservice en zal u helpen uw probleem binnen 24-48 kantooruren op te lossen. 

De volgende is een residentiële proxy. residentiële is een go-to proxy voor elke algemene consument. De belangrijkste reden hiervoor is dat het IP-adres van een residentiële proxy lijkt op het IP-adres van de ISP. Dit betekent dat het verkrijgen van toestemming van de doelserver om toegang te krijgen tot zijn gegevens gemakkelijker zal zijn dan normaal. 
De andere functie van ProxyScrape's residentiële proxy is een roterende functie. Een roterende proxy helpt je een permanente ban op je account te voorkomen omdat je residentiële proxy dynamisch je IP-adres verandert, waardoor het voor de doelserver moeilijk is om te controleren of je een proxy gebruikt of niet. residentiële proxies zijn het beste voor web scraping, SEO-monitoring en marktanalyse. 

Afgezien daarvan zijn de andere kenmerken van een residentiële proxy : onbeperkte bandbreedte, samen met gelijktijdige verbinding, toegewijde HTTP/s proxies, proxies op elk moment sessie vanwege 7 miljoen plus proxies in de proxy pool, gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord authenticatie voor meer veiligheid, en last but not least, de mogelijkheid om de landserver te wijzigen. Je kunt de gewenste server selecteren door de landcode toe te voegen aan de gebruikersnaamverificatie. 

De laatste is de premium proxy. Premium proxies zijn hetzelfde als dedicated datacenter proxies. De functionaliteit blijft hetzelfde. Het belangrijkste verschil is de toegankelijkheid. In premium proxies wordt de proxy lijst (de lijst die proxies bevat) beschikbaar gemaakt voor elke gebruiker op ProxyScrape's netwerk. Daarom kost premium proxies minder dan dedicated datacenter proxies.
Wat is de beste proxy voor debuggen op het web proxies? Het antwoord is residentiële proxies. De belangrijkste twee redenen zouden de mogelijkheid zijn om de landserver te veranderen om de websitetoepassing te testen en roterend proxy om je IP-adres diep te verbergen door het IP-adres proxy dynamisch te veranderen.


1. How do I fix the proxy settings in MAC computers?
You can easily change the settings by accessing the system preferences, which are present at the bottom right corner of your home screen. After that, select “Settings,” which will take you to various settings From there, select “Network–> Wifi Settings” to change your proxy preference.
2. What type of proxy is to be checked on MAC computers?
You will check three proxies, HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP, and use them in a single setting, meaning if you want to use all three proxy networks, you have to enter the proxy address three times in the dedicated place.
3. Are residential proxies all rotating proxies?
Yes, all residential proxies are rotating proxies in the ProxyScrape network. Whenever you connect to the proxy pool, you will be assigned a new IP address so your target can not tell you are using a proxy. There are no time restrictions in these rotating proxies.


In this article, we have seen MAC proxy settings and how to configure a proxy. Yes, sure, Macbooks, also known as MAC computers, are more costly than the standard Windows computer, but Apple has made some remarkable achievements in privacy. If you are a person who is very serious about your privacy, the proxy is your best companion. You need not download and install any third-party software. Within a few minutes, you can configure your Mac computer with a proxy and work online without worrying about your personal information getting leaked.